Angular (version 2.0 and 4.0)
These are few technologies
We use for angular applications:
Single Page App Development
With the growing demand for responsive single page web applications our peer and community support simple and effective knowledge for building single page applications to help improve the outcomes.
App Upgrade and Maintenance
Angular is written using the typescript language which is basically a superset for JavaScript. We have also familiar with NodeJS, LESS, SASS, CSS, HTML5
Custom AngularJS Development
JSON, REST API, Reactive, Ionic (Latest), PrimeNG, Twitter Bootstrap 4.X, ng-bootstrap, jQuery (latest), Karma (testing), Express.js, Redux
Migration Services
Being one of the pioneers AngularJS Development Services Providers, Our best practices simplify the migration processes it is seamless, structured and planned. To achieve such scalability, we use the framework’s client-side MVVM and MVC architecture.
User Interactive Development
We help development of seamless and simplified interactive interfaces that allow users to engage. We acquire the latest tools and technologies that enable us to provide fully functional and flexible services.
Dynamic Web Development
Only specialized professionals in the Micronix system come to help clients for AngularJs Consulting Services to create applications that work with desktops and mobiles through more suitable dynamic and responsive way.
Benefits of Angular 2.X:
Develop Across All Platforms
We use modern web platform capabilities to deliver app-like experiences.
The main benefit is that it is high in performance, offline, and zero-step installation.
The main benefit is that it is high in performance, offline, and zero-step installation.
We build native mobile apps by using strategies like Ionic Framework, NativeScript, and React Native.
We create desktop-installed apps across Mac, Windows, and Linux using the same Angular methods we use for the web. We have the ability to manage and access native OS APIs.
Component Based Development
A component is an independent software unit that can be composed with the other components to create a software system. Component based web development is pretty much future of web development. Angular2 is focused on component base development.

Templates: Quickly create UI views with simple and powerful template syntax. Angular CLI: Command line tools: start building fast, add components and tests, and then instantly deploy.
OOPS Based
Angular 2 is pure oops based framework. One can take advantages of oops programming architecture.
Speed & Performance
Achieve the maximum speed possible on the Web Platform today, and take it further, via Web Workers and server-side rendering.